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A: You are still here, darling?
N: You couldn't drag me away. But if you don't mind, I prefer Nancy.
A: I prefer, "The Distinguished Dr. Bakhoum."


Tell him he is stupid, but use small words so he understands you.


The people who had proof have been dead one hundred times longer than they were ever alive. So they're not talking.


One of the best? Pff. I am the best.


There is a saying "If a lion could speak, we would not understand him." So, let's say one day, magically, poof! A very smart lion learns to speak the King's English. How he understands the world is so radically different that even though you understand the words he spoke, you could never understand what he was trying to say.

А вот это так прекрасно, что я просто привожу весь диалог - я не в силах что-нибудь вырезать!

A: Now, let me show you why I am the best archaeologist in the world, in one simple step.
N: Well, then won't I be able to become the best archaeologist in the world?
A: Hahaha... No. I am Ramses II.
N: I thought you looked familiar.

A: Please, I am much more handsome than he was. Now pay attention. I, Ramses II, I look at my kingdom. Look at it with me. Be Ramses with me. Come now, survey the kingdom. We are kings. Look at the sands, they part in the most elegant tribute to our majesty. Listen to the river. You are not doing it!
N: I can't do it. It's too silly.
A: No. Refusing to learn, that is silly. Again. Listen to the river. That is better. The birds of prey, and even the deadly serpents bow before us. They took to us as if we were the sun - and remember, we are Ramses, we are the sun - most favored by Ra, sun god - The heartbeat of this world is for us alone. Looking at all of this - what do you want?
N: What could I possibly want?
A: Exactly. Now tell me, what are you afraid of?
N: I guess... losing what I have.
A: Yes, you are thinking like a pharaoh! Now tell me, how could you lose what you have?
N: I can't lose anything. I'm the pharaoh.
A: Wrong. You can and you will. You will die, Ramses II. You will be gone and forgotten.

N: Okay, but how does all of this lead to the Lost Queen?
A: For thousands of years, the lion spoke, and no one understood. But understand the fear and you understand the man.

@темы: цитаты, Tomb of the Lost Queen, Нэнси Дрю

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B: Oh, Francine, dear I'm so glad you called, I've been having the most infuriating problem with my internet.
N: This is Nancy. Drew.
B: Oh, you young people are so refreshing, always in search of new identities.


I'm talking about the kind of love you spell capital L, capital O, heart instead of a V, capital E.


N: Have you heard of Abdulla?
B: Yes, yes I have. He is December on my Men of Archeology calendar.
N: You're kidding me. Does that exist?
B: It existed the second I made it.


Abdulla! That's what. He's a cold-blooded hotshot, with only one setting: success. Oh, sorry. I've also been helping my nephew break in to the movie trailer business.


Oh, Hotchkiss, why you must always burn the candle at both ends?

@темы: цитаты, Tomb of the Lost Queen, Нэнси Дрю

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"You watch this dark, rampaging monster go tearing across the land, wrecking everything it touches, till all of a sudden it ain't there no more. You can't go after it, you can't make it put everything back, you can't even get even with it, cause it's just...gone. All you can do is stand there thinking...'now that ain't fair. That just ain't fair." (c) Pa, Trail of the Twister

@темы: цитаты, Trail of the Twister, Нэнси Дрю

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Головоломка из часовни в Ghost of Thornton Hall.

@темы: создание игры, Ghost of Thornton Hall, Нэнси Дрю



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Я прошла The Silent Spy. Ну что сказать - с одной стороны, это совсем не старая добрая Нэнси, с другой стороны - отпад. Флэшбеки!:inlove: Как ни крути, а это первая игра в серии про Нэнси, в которой есть флэшбеки.

А вот здесь можно прочитать, как найти все три пасхальных яйца. Честно говоря, своими силами я нашла только одно.

Теперь я хотела бы сказать несколько слов: письмо Кейт :weep3: , печеньки, Саманта Квик, Алек, шотландский акцент, телефонные разговоры с Карсоном и Нэдом, печеньки, Несси, Мойра-диджей, катание по канату... я уже упоминала печеньки?

P.S. Plot twist: игра, в которой Нэнси Дрю заходит в лифт и НИЧЕГО НЕ СЛУЧАЕТСЯ. Ладно, шучу. Такая игра разрушила бы основы мироздания.

@темы: гифкоспам, лучше бы я промолчала, The Silent Spy, Нэнси Дрю

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Painting by Janet Hill. Title: A Mystery Lady

@темы: всякое разное, Нэнси Дрю

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Да. Так всё и было. Приходилось перезагружать игру, потому что я заблудилась. Зато я ДО СИХ ПОР помню конфигурацию этого леса. И как выйти к жёлтой ленте.

@темы: всякое разное, Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, Нэнси Дрю